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mark green

Winter Huckleberries

The school bus route when I was in elementary school was a strange one.

28 December, 2021
sue vaught

This & That, Christmas 2021

We want to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

23 December, 2021
curtis varnell

Frontier Politics In The River Valley

The year was 1871. Residents of Arkansas had begun to recover from the trauma of the Civil War.

23 December, 2021
tom dillard

The Widow Logan Site

In 2009 Larry Porter, an archeological assistant with the Arkansas Archeological Survey station at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute near Morrilton, published an article in Field Notes on a farmstead along Sugar Creek in southern Logan County known as the “Widow Logan Site.”

23 December, 2021
mark green

The Boston Rocker

I can remember vividly Pam rocking the children when they were fretful or sick, when I knew that she herself had not had any appreciable amount of sleep in days.

23 December, 2021
curtis varnell

Whole Lot Of Shaking Going On

The shaking began around 2 A.M. on December 16, 1811 and continued through February of 1812.

15 December, 2021
mark green

Meeting Spud Webb

I am here to tell you that I think they were stretching things even to list him at that height.

14 December, 2021
sue vaught

This & That, December 7, 2021

It is starting to look a lot like Christmas, but the past week didn’t feel much like it.

07 December, 2021
mark green

The Long and Winding Road

Teenagers of today probably only remember them as an historical asterisk, but in the 1960s the Beatles were the hottest thing in popular music

07 December, 2021
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